Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Workers Compensation Claims: An Untimely Claim Could Cost You Dearly

Two of the biggest problems workers can face when filing workers compensation claims and sorting out what benefits they may be entitled to is; being aware of all the strict guidelines and regulations laid out when filing a claim and being able to follow them in the correct manner. Failure to comply with these guidelines can have serious consequences for your claim. It could slow down the whole process or even worse, you may find your claim being denied. It is important that you contact the HR department of your workplace and ask them for the details about the insurance scheme that your employer has opted for. A claim for compensation could be thrown out for numerous reasons so don't lose out, read on as at least the basic knowledge could help save your claim.

Something that most workers are probably totally unaware of is that not every workers compensation plan will cover all workers in a company. There are plans that have a definition of what they deem a "worker" entitled to make a claim is. This will normally take the form as "full time" worker. This means that those classed as part time, freelance, or contract workers could find that they cannot make a compensation claim through their employer's scheme. If you should become injured at work and are not classified as a "full time" worker there are procedures you can go through to make a claim but these would be outside the companies plan.

Another important factor that most workers may be unaware of is that there are strict time limits for filing a compensation claim. Now these time limits will most likely vary from State to State. So always keep in mind that an open- ended claim does not exist. Should you become the victim of an injury in the workplace and want to file a worker's compensation claim the first thing you must do is to inform your employer as soon as humanly possible. Also inform the insurance company to ensure that your claim is lodged following the guidelines set out in the insurer's policies and procedures. Only under certain circumstances and conditions can an extension to the time limit be granted. It is recommended that you engage a personal injury lawyer as quickly as you can so that your claim can be filed in a timely manner.

Now although this should be obvious to any worker it is still worth a mention. A company's insurer will take every step open to them spending a lot of time and money trying to find reasons for a claim to be dismissed. There is a good chance that your claim will be dismissed if after the investigation it was found out that;

• There was negligence on your part on health and safety rules. • You were the cause of an accident or injury in the workplace. • You filed your claim late. • You ignored the doctor's advice. • Or in some way disregarded the company rules.

Workers compensation claims can be complicated and if you waste time or fail to comply with the regulations, you could find yourself in all sorts of financial problems.

The History and Current Advantages of Workers Compensation   California Babysitters Entitled to Workers' Comp?   What Steps Should I Take When Injured at Work?   Can I Claim Workers Compensation And Social Security   Insurance For Early Retirees   

Workers Compensation Insurance Basics

Worker's Compensation insurance is available in all 50 states. Every state has mandatory workers compensation laws on the books. Worker's Compensation insurance is the typical way that most small business employers take care of the state mandated requirement.

There are common law duties that every employer owes their workers in the work environment, below is a list of some of the duties:

A safe place to work is the first one on the list. Providing coworkers that are confident in the execution of their work activities is also a duty. The employer must provide adequate education training and supervision for all workers. The work environment must be safe for the workers and the equipment and tools that they use must be adequately maintain and in proper working order. The appropriate warnings to all and always a potential dangers and harm from the employees workplace must be posted and communicated throughout the organization. The employer must establish and enforce safety rules and regulations that are appropriate for their industry.

The workers compensation system is a strict liability, no fault system. Most states are competitive whereby private insurers and state funds together compete for the business of providing workers compensation insurance for employers. There are six states that are not competitive and they are called monopolistic state fund states. The six states are Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Private insurers are not allowed to write Worker's Compensation in those states.

While the limits of some benefits are different for each state, the overall benefit categories are the same. Worker's Compensation pays for:

The medical services that the injured employee receives without any limit and without any deductible to the employee. There is also lost wages that are paid usually after a waiting period. Both physical and vocational rehabilitation services are paid under this policy also. Finally, there are some nominal death benefits that are paid if the employee dies because of injury or illness from the workplace.

The workers comp system has some common objectives and goals about how the system is set up across the USA. One of the goals is to provide prompt payments and unlimited medical payments for the injured employees. Another of the systems goals is to eliminate or reduce delays in payments and litigation cost. Unfortunately this goal is not being met consistently across the nation. The system guarantees payments for the injured workers and also helps promote industrial safety throughout commerce. Employers can finance these mandated workers compensation benefits by purchasing private insurance, participating in your states assigned risk playing, purchasing insurance through state funds which most states have or qualifying for self-insurance and/or excess insurance plans on your own.

These basics can help you in your understanding about how this system works.

The History and Current Advantages of Workers Compensation   California Babysitters Entitled to Workers' Comp?   What Steps Should I Take When Injured at Work?   Can I Claim Workers Compensation And Social Security   Insurance For Early Retirees   

Worker's Compensation and Discrimination in Illinois

There was a recent annual meeting for worker's compensation specialists in the city of Bloomington, Indiana. The annual meeting was held by a lawyer's trade group, the Indiana Trial Lawyer's Association. No doubt, many here were probably expressing concern for recent developments in the legal code. Illinois, the state next door had just revamped and reformed it's worker's compensation laws. The Illinois legislature recently tried to revamp and recode the legal code system in 2011.

One of the most interesting increases of incidents reported are due to discrimination charges, which have been rising disproportionately since 2008. The rate of filings stayed roughly constant for 10 years, between the decades after 1997. This has led to some serious economic repercussions that have caught the attention of the State Legislature. According to an article published in the Daily Herald on September 12, 2011, Illinois's worker's compensation costs to employers are ballooning, and the current average is around 2.75% of every 100 dollars on payroll.

Discrimination charges are filed with the government office called the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is in charge looking at cases and presenting awards and fines. In the United States, worker's compensation covers the costs of discrimination charges, damages and awards, as well as certain litigation issues. Hence, as the rate of discrimination charges has been increasing during the 2007-2009 recession in Indiana State, costs have been offset to employers and labor. In fact, many of the Unions and industry leaders believe that this system in Illinois is running at exceptional cost. Relative to other states with the same standards of living, employers have to pocket much more expenses. This lead the legislature to enact a new set of laws, which are designed to reduce the amount of expenses paid out by the worker's compensation system in Illinois. It will be interesting to see how the future developments will modify the costs of carrying compensation for employers in Illinois.

Worker's compensation differs from every state, and its means of governance and regulation are different as well. This is because while the US Congress enacted a Federal mandate to provide worker's compensation laws, it allowed each of the 50 state governments to actually govern the policy regarding the setup, execution, and delivery of worker's compensation. Hence, each jurisdiction now has different legal policies, and court cases dictate how rulings are carried out. Hence, it can be quite difficult to follow up on all the differences and changes to legal codes. However, trends in one state can certainly influence the future of other states, as lawyers try to litigate and change policy in the courts to fit their bill.

Note: as a disclaimer, we are neither a legal expert, nor do we claim accuracy for this general article. We are not responsible for your reliance on our information, so please seek adequate counsel for correct information and latest updates to the legal code.

The History and Current Advantages of Workers Compensation   California Babysitters Entitled to Workers' Comp?   What Steps Should I Take When Injured at Work?   Can I Claim Workers Compensation And Social Security   

What Is PPI? Do You Need It?

Payment protection insurance or PPI is a means of loan protection. It is generally applicable to any loan-based instrument you have in your name like a house mortgage, a car loan or even a credit card. It protects you from payment liability should you be unable to make your installments due to illness or because of being laid off.

Understanding what is PPI will help you comprehend the advantages associated with it. These policies are often sold to people whenever they take out a loan or a mortgage or have successfully applied for a credit card. The main benefit it provides you with is peace of mind. Falling seriously ill or losing your job can be stressful enough for the family. If they know that their liability for a loan has been temporarily put off, they will breathe easier. It will prevent your credit rating from taking the plunge.

In terms of eligibility, most PPI policies cap age at 65 or 70 years of age. You need to be employed at the time of taking on such a policy as it covers unemployment post taking the policy. Those who are self-employed do not qualify for this. Much like medical insurance, if you already have a known medical condition, then you will not be able to take on this policy.

Now you have to be extremely careful when it comes to taking on PPI covers.

This is because the market is replete with organizations selling these covers to people who are not eligible for them. Often this discrepancy comes to light at the time of PPI claims. If you have an existing loan that you are paying, a PPI will, in all probability, be a part of it. Now would be a good time to look at your documents and verify all that is there. In the case of loans, the premium for the PPI will be included as part of the sum that constitutes your loan. In addition, in the case of credit cards, you will find that it is added to your current billing each month.

There are chances that you have been sold a PPI policy mistakenly in the following cases - where you have not specifically asked for such cover or in the case where the loan company insisted that it was a compulsory part of the package and that it will work in securing the loan. There is also the possibility of wrongly being sold PPI when you did not know that it was optional and that it could have been acquired for a cheaper rate elsewhere. Most of all, if you happened to be retired or unemployed at the time of purchasing the cover, then you definitely bought it unnecessarily.

There have also been times when premiums for PPI have been paid but at the times of claims, the person has proven ineligible. What you need to find out is the duration of the policy and the benefits that are associated with it. You will also need to ask about how long it will take a claim to start paying out. Whenever you have been handed a PPI form to fill, also be wary of boxes that seem to have been conveniently ticked off for you. There are chances that you need to look into that deeper.

Actually, being eligible for PPI and reaping its benefits is a great thing if you are sure you are doing it the right way. Be careful before making your choice.

The History and Current Advantages of Workers Compensation   California Babysitters Entitled to Workers' Comp?   What Steps Should I Take When Injured at Work?   Can I Claim Workers Compensation And Social Security   

Golf Swing Made Easy - Information on How to Lengthen Your Drive and Cut Your Handicap

I've just come across a terrific book by David Nevogt , also known as 'The Golf Swing Guru' where he guarantees to lengthen your drive and cut your handicap by 7 to 12 strokes in just 2 weeks.

As a dedicated golfer, hitting off 27 on a good day! , I figure anything that can do that has got to be worth getting - even if it's only half as good as everyone says.

Some of the questions posed in this book are:- 1. Is your golf swing is providing you with the results you need to compete? 2. Are you throwing strokes away by topping, slicing or hooking the ball? 3. How many penalty strokes do you typically have during a round?

And in my case the answers are:- 1. No 2. Yes 3. Too many

How about you?

Some interesting golf facts:- Did you know there are 27 Million golfers in the world? And did you know that the average gross score is 107 ?? And less than 20% ever get a handicap under 27.

Would you like to get your handicap down to a number you'd be able to brag about?

This book explains in simple terms how you can lower your score every time you play.

And it stresses that it's your golf swing that drives your score, not your clubs or the ball you play. As David says, that is the truth in simple terms.

It seems to work though. So far in 2006 people from 16 different countries have been helped by having their swing problems fixed. And as we all know, if you fix that problem and build an easy repeatable swing all the other good stuff can be built on more easily.

Some indication of David's success can be seen from the fact that "The Simple Golf Swing" has helped 7,987 golfers during the past 2 years. This system is rated the #1 golf instruction system on the Internet and the reason is quite simple - it's because it works.

I'm looking forward to seeing the results David's going to get with my really ugly swing! I'll let you know how it goes.

The Top 5 Sports Books of All Time   

Cancer Can be Defeated: Hope, Courage, and a Strong Willpower

Tony F. Powell is the author of a new book based on his 30 years as Bush Pilot, guide and prospector in Labrador, Canada. Tony's hobby is Snowmobile Racing on his Bombardier ski-doo since 1969. Personal ship wrecks and more including History of Labrador and Voisey's Bay Giant Nickel discovery.

Tony Powell was a winner long before he arrived with his snowmobile for the recent Race on the Rock at Marble Mountain ski resort. The Charlottetown, Labrador man has been in the fight of his life since being disonsed with cancer in January of 2004.

At the time, he was told he might only have six months to live and doctors bluntly informed him only 30% of those diagnosed with his type of cancer survive. That News worsened two weeks later when doctors told him the cancer was farther advanced than originally thought.

Powell underwent surgery and had a grapefruit-sized tumor removed from his throat and 34 lymph nodes taken out. He hasn't been able to eat solid foods since.

Still undergoing radiation treatment at the Health Science Centre, he took his wife and son to Marble Mountain in 2004, even if it was just to watch the sport he loves from a window in the lodge.

Still fighting for his life, Powell returned for the 2005 version of the Uphill Drags component. This time, however his Ski-Doo Mach Z was in the back of his pick up truck and, although his 208-pound frame had been reduced to a frailer 140 pounds, he was going to compete. And compete he did, winning the Pro-Stock category, nearly sapped the little energy he had, Powell's real dream was still to be crowned King of the Hill in the open category of the up-hill drag races against 400 of the sport's best from all over Canada and the Northeastern USA... more.

Watching cancer survivor win race was better than winning lottery, his wife says. Full story is in book.

The Top 5 Sports Books of All Time   

Shannon O'Toole Author of Wedded to The Game & Wife of a NFL Player and Coach Interviewed

Author: Shannon O'Toole

ISBN: 0803286252

Good day Shannon and thanks for agreeing to participate in our interview.

Thank you for the invitation!


Shannon, please tell our readers a little bit about your personal and professional background.


I received my master's degree in sociology at Western Michigan University. My master's thesis was entitled "Professional Football Players' Attitudes Relating Toward Women and Violence." When I was 19 years old and playing softball at Western Michigan University I met John Morton. For the past 14 years, John has been involved with professional football. He played for 5 years and now he is a coach. (In February 2006, he signed a 2-year contract with the New Orleans Saints as their "Passing Game Assistant"). My academic background combined with my personal experience made me very interested in the topic of NFL Women.


How did your Masters degree in sociology help you with your research and in the writing of your book?


It helped immensely. It is an excellent discipline for examining social issues and dynamics. In the book I delve into sexism and racism in context to professional football. Sociology has opened my eyes to societal inequities and injustice and it has molded me into the woman I am today.


What is the underlying message or theme of Wedded to the Game: The Real Lives of NFL Women?


The message is clear: these women are not the stereotypical shallow, gold-digging, Barbie dolls. They are sharp, strong-willed and opinionated. They are multi-tasking, talented women who take on and conquer the challenges that NFL life throws at them. In fact, they are tough, if not tougher than the men who play and coach the game. The percentage of women who fit the negative stereotype is probably less than ten percent - and these types of women never last for long. Those who learn to cope with the NFL's immense difficulties become stubborn, resilient and wise survivors.


Do you believe that the sampling of interviews was sufficient to come to some of your conclusions?


I do, mainly because I was very careful to select women whose experiences ran the gamut of NFL life. While I spoke with Jackie Rice who is married to All-Everything Jerry Rice, I also interviewed the girlfriend of a rookie free agent who was simply hoping her boyfriend would be on the roster so they would have health insurance at the time of their baby's birth. Ultimately, I knew there was an adequate sample when I began to hear the same answers to my numerous questions. We really are a sisterhood with shared experiences unique to professional sports life.


Why did you feel compelled to write this book?


To quote the preface:

When I began my research for this book I had an ulterior motive. Although I have been in the NFL for twelve years now and I know very well what this life is like, I was also seeking the advice and hard-earned wisdom of women who had already found solutions to my numerous concerns. I still struggle with the life I've chosen, and so I wanted to know: How do other women deal with the NFL? How do they cope and survive? What are their experiences?

I knew these women did not fit the stereotype. I wanted other people to know it too.


Can you explain some of your research techniques, and how you found sources for your book? I notice there is an absence at the end of the book of a selected bibliography. Any reason for this omission?


To quote the preface:

I sent an anonymous survey to over 150 women and got back an amazing 75 responses. Out of those 75 responses, I chose 30 women to interview in depth. Their stores make up the heart of this book. About half were willing to go on record and let their names be used, and about half wanted to remain anonymous. In the initial anonymous survey, I asked respondents to either "agree strongly, agree mildly, disagree mildly, or disagree strongly" to a myriad of statements regarding NFL life. These responses form the basis of some of my general statements and conclusions about what off-the-field life is like for women. Then, over the course of my thirty one-on-one interviews, I received full, in-depth answers to these often difficult, complex questions.

Regarding the absence of a bibliography, the current literature on professional sports spouses is minimal. Most of the published works are salacious, racy novels that simply serve to perpetuate the unfair stereotypes. My book is the only book on the market (that I am aware of) that is part insiders tell-all and part sociological study.


What obstacles did you have in writing and researching your book?


There were very few obstacles during the research process. I was surprised by the willingness and the eagerness of the women willing to speak about their experiences. They wanted to talk, not just about the good times, but about some of their most dreadful and unbearable experiences. NFL Women are almost universally overlooked by the public and the media, and what I discovered is that they have things to say and they want to be heard.

My difficulties arose during the writing process. Before I began this book I was completely naïve regarding the art of writing. I had NO IDEA how difficult a task it is to write well. Writing well is a true skill and I did not have the needed training. I lost count of the number of major revisions. But I did have a goal to see my name on a book cover, and I was completely and thoroughly determined to reach that goal. (I also have a coach for a husband and he knew all the right motivational buttons to push!) Like millions of writers, my proposal was rejected again and again before it finally found a home at the University of Nebraska Press. And even then, I needed the skill of a fantastic outside developmental editor, Jeff Campbell in San Francisco. I am forever in his debt for the beautiful things he did with my manuscript.

It took me 5 years from start of research to the final finished product. That is a long time. But the feeling of self-fulfillment that I have right now, makes every day of those 5 years well worth it.


How has the feedback been so far? What are your hopes for this book?


From both within and outside of the football world, the favorable feedback has been tremendous. Andrew Yardley of the Washington Post called Wedded to the Game an "intelligent, thoughtful book." Feedback from NFL Women includes phrases like, "great insight as to what life is really like for us" and "invaluable information for rookie wives/girlfriends." The central theme, according to a woman married to a player, "It was comforting to know that while the stories may vary many of our experiences are the same."

Even women who are not fans of the game can relate to many of the book's issues, such as frequent relocation or dealing with a partner's long hours - both common occurrences in today's American work culture.

Currently, I am speaking with two television producers who are interested in the topic of NFL Wives. Check my website for updates on these projects.

Of course, I hope this book continues to grow in popularity and one day reaches the Best Seller List . . . with Oprah's help. (smile)


What is next for Shannon O'Toole is there anything else you wish to add that we have not covered?


It is my dream to implement and facilitate an NFL Women Mentoring Program. The mission of this program is to lessen the strain and uncertainty, and thereby increase the life satisfaction of women new to the league by formally connecting them with experienced veteran wives/significant others. In these relationships, veteran NFL Women offer advice, answer questions, and guide their mentees in developing skills and methods for copy with the myriad of circumstances unique to NFL life. I am currently speaking with the league office along with the NFLPA about offering this program on a league-wide basis.

In the immediate future, John and I look forward to helping the people and the animals affected by Hurricane Katrina. "Recover, Rebuild, Rebirth" and GO SAINTS!

*Note: Hurricane Katrina dogs and cats continue to need loving homes. Please go to: http://www.petfinder.com to adopt one of these deserving animals.

The Top 5 Sports Books of All Time   

Finding Help at Discussion Forums Online Is Easier Than You Think!

Are you stuck with a nerve-wracking problem that seems beyond your scope of resolution? Do you want to get fast, concise and effective answers and solutions to your problems? If so, then you have to consider finding help at discussion forums. Unless you start using discussion forums, you may never really know what you are missing.

While some people are satisfied with self-help instructional guides, others want a more participant approach to solving their problems. Self-help guides may offer you plenty of tips, but not in a fulfilling way like a forum discussion. As you will come to discover, there are certain things that gravitate people toward discussion forums. Three of the most popular factors are the friendliness, bond, and outpouring help of members.

How You Stand to Benefit from Online Discussion Forums

The coolest thing about finding help at discussion forums is that so many people are willing to help you free. There are amateurs and also experts who provide real practical information. You will find a lot of advice, some helpful others just mere suggestions. Anyway, chances are high that you will find a timely advice to your problem or new perspectives to enable you deal with your problem.

Also, you don't have to wait for long to get good responses to your problems. The responses will start tricking once your question goes live. Members can offer solutions in the form of tips or simple steps that can help you resolve your problem. Still, other members may also provide leads to useful resources.

You will also find forum members more welcoming and friendly. There is a strong connection among members in discussion forums. This explains why many members offer voluntary help and follow-ups to other members who are stuck with specific problems. With timely help from friendly members, you don't really have to wait for long before you can fix your problem.

Making Good Use of Discussion Forums

Since there are so many respectable online discussion forums, you have to make up your mind about which forums you want to join. Most forums require new members to create user accounts before they start posting questions to specific problems. Once you create your account, you can initiate a discussion and wait for members to provide useful advice and information that relates to your problem.

Remember, the kind of responses that you will get depends on the nature of the problem. So, you have to have to be very specific about what you want. If you are looking for a solution to a particular problem, then you should look for topic-specific forums or forums that revolve around certain topics. For instance, if you are stuck with a technical computer problem, then you can find better help by following threads in a computer forum than in a general forum.

Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

What Is All This Forum Marketing Stuff Anyway?

In this article I am going to teach you about a type of internet marketing called forum marketing, what it is, and how to get started.

To be a successful Internet marketer you need to be proficient at many different types of marketing. Part of building a profitable information marketing business is building a relationship with your readers and customers. A great way to do that is by employing a marketing technique called forum marketing.

Forum marketing is simply the act of visiting many forums in your niche and participating in the conversations there. Forums can be found in probably every topic you could ever think of.

Folks that have an interest in a topic will start a group and allow other folks to chat online about the topic. Perhaps you enjoy white tail deer hunting, there are dozens of forums online for this subject. A forum moderator keeps the forum up and running and monitors the forum to keep rude or disruptive folks out.

You can think of a forum as the local coffee shop conversations. If you have ever sat in a local shop, you overhear conversations ranging from the high school football team to deer hunting to how good the coffee is.

An online forum takes that to a new level and it creates a common place for folks to discuss one issue or topic only. Softball forums discuss softball stuff, pitching, hitting and all that. They may even break the forum into groups that discuss specific parts of the game - such as hitting, pitching, parenting, etc.

Sounds like fun stuff, but how do I get started?

Most forums are open to anyone. You can simply do a search online like this: forum: softball and you will likely find several. Choose one and get registered.

They will want your name and email, sometimes they may want more than that just to be sure you are a real person. You can sign up for as many forums as you have time to visit and be a part of.

Once you are registered, log in and join the conversations. Ask questions, answer questions and just be a part of the whole group. Just like the local coffee shop, except here you tend to stay on one subject only.

Once you have been a member for a while you can start adding your website to your signature line or just add it into your profile. If people like what you are saying, they will search you out and visit your site. Eventually you will become somewhat of a local expert and other members will start referring to you.

Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

The Success Of Your Membership Site Depends On Trust

Paid membership sites can be very profitable, but it's not easy to succeed with them. Many business owners have big plans for their membership site, but are soon disappointed and frustrated with the lack of subscribers and engagement among members. That's because they don't understand the key component of a successful membership site: trust.

This is what usually happens...

Let's say you're already an established expert, with clients who pay for your expertise. You might have even created information products to share your expertise in other ways - for example, in books, blog posts, audio programs and videos.

So you get excited about the idea of creating your own paid membership site, where you provide some of your expertise and resources to subscribers (members). They don't get access to everything you do, but they get a substantial amount of it, for a low monthly fee.

This is easy to create, especially with tools like Ning, a low-cost service that handles all the technical stuff for you.

So you create it, start promoting it, and wait.

And wait...

And wait...

You might give away some free trial subscriptions to your top clients, your close colleagues and some friends. And you might get the occasional subscription from somebody you don't know.

But overall the result is pretty disappointing. You're not getting anywhere near the amount of members you expected, and even people who said they would be interested in your membership site don't sign up when they're asked to make a commitment.

And you don't understand why they are not joining. After all, you know you're offering incredible value. You couldn't offer any more unless you were giving it away!

But you didn't understand the missing piece...

Creating a membership site needs more than providing your expertise, creating information products and site hosting. All of those things are important, but they aren't enough.

This is the missing piece of the puzzle: Trust.

That might sound odd, and probably isn't what you expected. But it's true - most paid membership sites fail because of a lack of trust. For example:

Members don't know they can trust you to deliver great value every month. Members don't trust themselves to get value from their membership. If prospective members don't know you, they don't know whether to choose you or somebody else. You worry about somebody joining the site, downloading everything immediately and then cancelling their membership. You worry about people taking advantage of the increased access to you (wasting your time with too many phone calls and e-mails). You worry about members giving out the password to their friends. These are all issues of trust, which you need to overcome if you want to build a successful membership site. Don't get me wrong - these are genuine concerns, not just figments of your imagination. But they can all get in the way of your success.

Here's how to solve all these trust issues...

You don't need to spend months in therapy tackling your trust issues! Instead, there's one simple way to address all of these issues: Work with people you already trust (and who already trust you).

In other words, don't base your membership site strategy on having to attract lots of strangers. Plan your membership site based on the majority of your members being people who know, like and trust you already.

For example, they might be:

Your top clients and their team members Past customers who want on-going support Clients who are already paying for other services (so you can sell them a subscription as well) This is a boring strategy!

Let's be clear: This is not a sexy strategy. It's more fun to post on Twitter, build a Facebook page, set up an affiliate program, and so on. But that's not an easy path to success. If you do get the occasional person who stumbles over your site and signs up as a member, that's a bonus. But make sure you're willing to proceed even if you get none of those people.

Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

4 Reasons Why You Should Use Forums to Market Your Online Home Business

Online forums, also known as chat rooms or bulletin boards, are gathering places for people who have a common interest where they can share ideas and make new friends and meet new business associates.

Internet marketing forums are widespread online and if you're just starting out with your online home based business you should seek out and sign up with a couple of the most popular chat rooms in your particular niche.

Here are 4 reasons why these bulletin boards should play a vital role in your Internet marketing campaign:

1. Networking plays just as critical a part in your online marketing efforts online as it does offline, and forums are incredible places for meeting other Internet business owners. These people are better established on the Internet marketing scene and they may be willing and able to give you the insight you need to get started quickly.

These are also great places to form other business relationships such as joint venture agreements which can help you build your list quickly and to make those extra sales we all need to make when we're just beginning.

2. When you're new to Internet marketing you're going to run into problems which can slow your progress and cost you time and money. However, being a member of one of these bulletin boards allows you to post your problem on the website so you can ask others if they have a solution to your dilemma. You can also get advice related to other areas of your home business which can also give you a head start as a newcomer to the world Internet marketing.

3. Just by visiting these chat rooms on a regular basis and reading what other marketers are saying you can come up with new ideas for products, discover original advertising tips and perhaps get some insight on new innovations or new tools which can help give you an edge over your competition.

4. Finally, Internet forums provide an excellent opportunity to promote your Internet enterprise. By adding a link to your blog or your product offer in your signature file you can attract hordes of targeted prospects to your home page as well as add new subscribers to your email list.

In order to attract these visitors however you must contribute valuable content to these chat rooms so these people will want to visit your website to get more of your information.

So as you can see Internet forums offer many advantages for your online home business when you use them correctly and treat them with respect by making valuable contributions on a regular basis.

Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

Forum Advertising and Marketing Tips - Advertise Your Webpage Using Web Based Forums

Online Forum Internet marketing is vital to results!

If you're not carrying it out currently then you should definitely start. Online online forums are fantastic options, instruments, targeted website traffic generation devices and there are literally 1000's of these in just about every niche you can imagine. Forum promotion is probably among the least difficult to achieve some awareness by professionals and consumers in your niche market and it is sometimes ignored or forgotten about. The following are some forum promoting ideas that can assist you make the best of your forum marketing campaign

Forum Advertising and marketing Ideas:

1. Posting on Discussion forums Associated with your Specialized niche: This cannot be emphasized enough and it is necessary to your discussion forum internet marketing success. As an example if you're a dog walking service you would want to post on online forums related to dogs. Even better look for a discussion forum in your specific town where dogs are discussed and post there. To accomplish this just Google "[your keyword] Forums"

2. Do not join to a lot at first:Though in the beginning you might want to conquer the discussion forum world it is essential to increase your popularity first. At some point it will be easier to keep track of multiple forums but learning one or two at first may help gain great reputations plus some possible good allies on the internet.

3. Use your signature although not immediately!: This is very important, so essential that many forums do not permit you to use your signature until you might have had a certain amount of prosperous posts with a positive reputation. It goes straight back to the status piece and how very important it really is to make certain everyone has good things to say about you. All online forums are moderated and spammers are really common creating profiles. Moderators in some instances find you creating a signature straight away as spam and your Internet protocol address will get blacklisted for life.

4. Complete your user profile: Before you start posting insert as much of the user profile info as you possibly can. Your character or picture is important for your success. Posting a photo can help with all your web sites or small businesses brand awareness. Also there are options within your user profile to include your web site. This gives you an important backlink to your site right away. Not just that it's going to show moderators that you are a real person and you're intending to grow to be a substantial contributor to their internet site.

5. Study the rules and Present yourself: Understand the regulations of your discussion forum and do not break them. Occasionally stuff that you wouldn't think about are against the policies and would certainly lead to you getting banned from a discussion forum. Then go an introduce yourself within the right forum site. Moderators really like this because doing so provides them far more reason to trust you and also leave you alone.

If you follow these tips and be sure to try them whenever you get into the community forum advertising and marketing world I then have no doubt you will be successful in attaining targeted traffic to your site. Here are a few message boards I have found helpful to me and giving me some great info on developing a sound online campaign.

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Is USENET Easier or Harder Than Internet Forums?

USENET has been around quite a bit longer than the Internet. In fact, this is one of the first systems devised for exchanging information over computer networks. This is why it has such an orientation toward text-based posting and information sharing. USENET can be pretty mysterious to users who came of age in a world where the consumer Internet was present in just about everybody's house. If you are a younger Internet user and aren't quite familiar with how the system works, here are some of the things that make it a bit easier to use than the Internet and the Internet forums where people exchange information.

Sign Up

When you join an Internet forum, there's usually a process that involves giving your e-mail address, filling out some information and completing some sort of security process or another to join the forum. After you join the forum, you'll have to comb through all of the postings to find the information that you are actually interested in. This can be time consuming and tedious.

USENET allows users to subscribe to newsgroups very easily. All you need to do is find the newsgroup and click whatever subscribe button that your newsreader gives you. Your newsreader will then download the latest posts and allow you to catch up on what has been posted. There's no need to share personal information to do this. This makes USENET a much easier option as far as signing up and maintaining privacy is concerned.


Whenever you visit an Internet forum, you have to load the entire page, advertisements and all. This means that you spend a lot of time and chew up a lot of bandwidth getting information that you don't even want. After all, how many advertisements on the Internet do you actually pay attention to? On USENET, you just download the text of the articles that people have posted to the various newsgroups. There's no hassle, there's no unnecessary bandwidth consumed and there's no reason to worry about getting infected with the virus or adware simply because you chose to open up the newsgroup. This makes USENET much easier on bandwidth.

If you decide to download files over the USENET system, you can choose a subscription plan that allows you plenty of connections and, preferably, SSL connections at that. USENET has incredibly fast download speeds and is one of the most popular arenas for exchanging information. Whether you are asking the members of a photography group why your images are coming out with a particular flaw or asking the members of a music group to take a listen to your latest recording and see what they think, you'll find that the bandwidth is more than able to accommodate it conveniently.

USENET, in many regards, is much easier to use than the Internet. It's certainly faster as far as getting information is concerned. If you're looking for something new and you want a system that serves your needs better, USENET might be just what you've been looking for all along.

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How To Make Online Money From Forums - Earn A Regular Income Via Forum Posting

Increasing numbers of the population are actively looking for some additional income earning opportunities. In times of economic difficulty with prices rising and little recompense to cover this, home businesses are more prevalent than ever. The internet is one of the best mediums of fulfilling this motive in an effective manner. If you are looking to make money online or promote your home based business, forums may be a perfect place to start choice for you to start. This article is designed to get you on your way towards making money online from forums. Posting on forums is one of the best ways to promote your home based business and earn good money. They are full of people who are either eager to know more about a certain topic or share certain things that they have expertise in.

Forums are the perfect destination for people looking for answers, seeking solutions, finding new ideas or who are simply interested in any topic. They are full of people who will undoubtedly have some interest in your product if you target the correct subject areas. Participating in forums can help you to learn the basic tips and tricks about your niche from the online experiences of others. You will find people who have started down a similar track to yourself and are now making good money doing what you are trying to do. By actively participating in these forums you can learn more and more about internet marketing, promote your home based online business and find prospective customers from other visitors to the forum.

In order to start making money, first of all you will need to find forums related to your niche and then register. Your profile should give basic information about yourself in order to attract the attention of other members. You can add your signature to the post in order to promote your home based business and, along with the signature, you can add a link to your website or even just an affiliate link with an anchor text. The signature will be posted at the end every post automatically and should help you to receive more traffic.

After setting up a signature, you should actively participate in the discussions of the forum. It is important to read the terms and conditions of the forum in order to avoid any problems further down the line. Typically, you should not include referral links or an advertising link to your website within the post - this may result in your postings being removed or even being barred from the forum. Your links should appear only in your signature. In order to get more traffic to your business site and affect more sales, you should actively contribute to the discussions in forums and provide helpful suggestions and solutions. Avoid talking about your business during your initial 10 - 15 posts in order to make it clear to everybody involved that your content is meaningful.

By following these fundamental guidelines you should build a reputation as a knowledgeable forum participant and therefore attract those individuals looking for serious business guidance to your product. In this way, you can make serious online money from forums.

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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website

Forums can be a great addition to a website, but like anything online, there are pros and cons when it comes to adding a forum to your website, because just having a forum is not really going to do much for you.

Below, we take a look at the main advantages and disadvantages when it comes to having a forum on your site which might help you to decide whether it is worth having one or whether you should stay well clear!


Content - Google (and other decent search engines) love content, so having a forum with lots of people all contributing and adding new posts and replies can generate enough content to really push your site forward. It does take a while to get to this kind of level and you will need some great members, but if you can get a happy group of users all posting away then this can really help your site rise up the rankings.

Visitor Retention - A forum gives visitors, clients and potential customers a reason to return to your site, especially if they need help or advice on a certain subject. All websites want to keep their visitors returning, so having a forum can be a cracking way of making people want to come back and use your website regularly.

Commercial Opportunities - The more people you have on your site, the more money you can make, so by having more people and more returning visitors using your site, you immediately increase the chance of making a decent income from your site. From shopping sites to online services, if you can keep your visitors entertained on your site and give them a reason to come back often, this then gives you more opportunities to sell to them.


Moderation - Whenever you open up a public forum then you are going to have to think about moderation, because not everyone will be as well behaved as you are! From petty arguments right the way through to dodgy posts and naughty items, you need to make sure that you are on top of the forum or have people doing this for you, which will of course take either a lot of your time or will mean you have to put trust into often non paid members to do it for you.

Spam - Like the majority of things on the World Wide Web, a forum is just an open target for any spammer because if your forum gets big then it could have some weight in Google. There have been some massive forums close or change the way they operate due to spam, so it's vital to consider how you will deal with this before it becomes a problem for you.

Security Vulnerabilities - Because the majority of forums will be an addition to your site, you need to make sure that you regularly update the software that runs them else you could be opening yourself up to some massive security issues. It is important to review your forum setup before you go live to make sure that you have closed any obvious loop holes that could allow the bad guys in, but even then, you need to make sure you are constantly monitoring your site for issues, which again, takes up your time.

Lack Of Posts - A bit like a city with lots of closed shops, if someone lands on your site and sees you have only a few posts, this can actually have a negative impact on that visitor. Although it's hard to get members without being live, you do have to consider how you are going to get your forum active to avoid looking like an empty site and actually putting visitors off of your site.

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